Sunday, 27 January 2008

Smoking Kills Fest + Obituary

OK, this was too excellent nights !!

First the Smoking Kills Fest. I was there primarily to support Djabah, a Metal / Tribal band from the south of France (band of Greg, excellent drummer under the Black Sun of Death Metal !!).
I did not expect a lot for the set of Small, because the singer did not seem to be in a state to perform well, to say the least. But he managed, and those who where there after the last set said he was revived...

Then, the very catchy Tryskhell, a BigouDeath band ;-)

Last band was the headliner for the night, Royal Bubble Orchestra. "traditional" Rock / Heavy Metal is not my cup of tea, but I must admit that they had a very strong presence on stage. Check them out !!!
Royal Bubble Orchestra

Two days later, it was the Obituary and Holy Moses show (still at La Loco), with support from Avatar, a Death metal band from Gothenburg (Sweden, of course). Lets say that the Obituary show was a killer, a bit dangerous when you are just in front of the stage. I don't know how my nose did not finish utterly broken. I was hit twice by slammers boots, one in the back of my head - all right, no problem - the second on the forehead ;-). OK, I'm still there, and my nose is still strongly fixed to my face !!


Holy Moses

Patriarch of Death

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