Wednesday, 1 August 2007

Harry Potter will not make it

No, this has nothing to do with the ending of the book. I have just finished the Deathly Hallows yesterday evening, so I will not have to bring it with me in Japan (600 pages heavy hard cover). The book is good, but very, very, ... very dark (don't take this as a hint about the ending).

The Dark Lord Ascending

Instead, I might be able to take Battle Royale with me on the plane Friday. hmmm, hearing Polysics, or even maybe some Black or Death Metal (at moderate volume, OK, I care for my ears, and for those of the people around me) in the plane while reading about teenagers planning traps to kill each other in a remote island... That's grand !!!

And now, something completely different: the One Note Show of the White Stripes during their U.S. and Canada Tour (no, no, they did not ask for money for that, they just did that for fun) .

Just after the (shortest ever) show, people yell: One more Note !!!
They're Mental (he would have said).
A pity I could not see them in Paris in June. That would have been the second time (first was brilliant), but this was colliding with the last rehearsal for a play I was in.

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